Louisiana Photographic Society Monthly Meeting

September 16, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

I'm honored to be the speaker for the LPS's September 17, 2015 meeting. 


September Topic: Composition


Artistic endeavors have always filled her with joy, but for the past several years photography has consumed her interest and she has poured herself into this craft. She loves capturing moments which stir an emotional response that say, this is ‘beautiful, amazing or soul-stirring’, then saving that moment to reflect on it later and to share it with others. Using a camera and computer editing tools to create photographic art provides her an opportunity to make those moments come alive.


This year her work has been exhibited at the Shaw Center, Brush with Burden (a winning image), Baton Rouge’s Forum 35’s Art Melt, and published in 225 Magazine and in Country Roads Magazine. She is also honored to share the Louisiana Photographic Society’s Photographer of the Year 2014 award.


Currently you can find her work at the Arts Market downtown Baton Rouge the first Saturday’s of the month or online at www.cathysmart.com


-- Cathy Smart Photography



Composition Workshop



010 Shrimping Tradition w grid lines010 Shrimping Tradition w grid linesImprove your composition by using THE RULE OF THIRDS

Instead of placing your focal point in the center of the frame, more pleasing results can
be achieved by placing your focal point off-center. Getting important visual elements
away from the center sometimes (but not always) makes a composition more dynamic,
which explains why some compositions that adhere to the Rule of Thirds are appealing.


016 California Coastline w grid lines016 California Coastline w grid linesRule of Thirds can aid in organizing or positioning the
elements of a picture to give some kind of visual balance.


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